This post isn't about the Giants at all, but I'm watching them play the Rangers as I type this. I'm probably one of the few people in this state rooting for the Giants. Anyway, onto my post.
I also got to do some geology! Kind of, anyway. I was going to tell 50 highschoolers the geologic history of the area (the broad area that is, in the park here, the only geology is soils). So I made a pretty handout and read about the geology of the Gulf Coast and it was fun, and then I woke up this morning feeling like crap and slept all day instead.
Oh, and because I haven't mentioned this many times in many other venues, I ran (and I actually ran the whole way) a marathon! I've run a mile and a half since, and it was the most painful mile and a half ever. But I got jewelry from a fireman in a tuxedo and a hot pink shirt to prove I ran 26.2 miles in San Francisco. I know I'm still recovering, but I am getting a little antsy not doing anything active.
Hey, is the handout something you could email or send me so I can learn about the Gulf Coast geology too? Then when I get it, you can pretend I'm a high schooler and tell me your history speech?