Five things I will miss while in the South Atlantic:
1. Facebook. Because let's be honest, I spend a LOT of time on the Internet (ie partaking in social media).
2. Pub quiz. Monday nights (of all nights) is my most social night of the week and I enjoy my trivia and of course my teammates' company.
3. Beer. Also wine and any liquor, really. The ship is dry, and while that makes sense and I don't actually need alcohol, I do enjoy me a glass of it (or two) on the weekends or during pub quiz.
4. Running. Because 279 ft is not quite the distance a former marathon runner can be satisfied with when it comes to exercise.
5. My family. My friends too- I live with my parents and at the touch of ten buttons I can be in contact with any of my friends, but 3G does not exactly cover the entire Atlantic ocean.
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