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I like running and science and I have no idea what I'm doing with my life. So I'm writing a blog or something.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


We got to our first seamount yesterday! This means we first surveyed it and then deployed a dredge. The first dredge seemed to be going well until the end when it got stuck on something (presumably rocks) and after a long time trying to free it, the chain broke and we lost the dredge. The second dredge wasn't much more successful: we came up with a dredge, but only a few sad little rocks. The seamount (more technically, a guyot) we called Ishmael, and it looks like we may be naming our seamounts after Moby-Dick characters.

Otherwise, this is basically what my life has been looking like during the day:

1 comment:

  1. The official blog has pictures now and you are in a couple of them - one is at the "first safety meeting" and the other you are still in port and can be seen from the back sitting on an upper deck looking out towards to front (bow?) of the ship. Fun to see! (anon Mom)
